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HERA Member Benefits
App and Access
Enjoy a members-only web and mobile app where you can post in social feed, run private groups, send messages, earn rewards, attend events, shop our latest looks, and more. Additionally, your business or service will be added to our directory to recommend to other members.
Shop & Discounts
We provide our members with new and ongoing discounts not just to our amazing Hera merchandise, but to businesses within our network. Members can take advantage of the opportunity as well as promote their own products or brands by contributing to discount offerings.
Network & Socialize
Get to know other members in a designated space where support is encouraged. Make posts for all to see, or reach out to members directly. It's your opportunity to make long lasting connections with women in power, just like you.
Invest & Donate
Our initiatives are clear in helping women and we invite you to do the same! We encourage Investors and Founders within our group to believe and invest in each other.
Licensed Membership & Badge
Advertise your membership on your Resume or LinkedIn to help you stand out from the crowd.
Educate & Inspire
We are constantly publishing new works and collaborating with top professionals. Stay informed with upcoming posts, blogs, books, courses, and more content to help inspire you in your life & career.
The Future Is Female
HERA believes that there is nothing women can't achieve together. By providing a private platform, women in power can connect with each other, ask for help, or give back much more easily.
Connect in Your Way
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