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How It Works
In order to become a HERA Member, you will need to Sign Up and Wait for Approval, Subscribe to the Hera Pro Price Plan, and then you can Build Your Profile!
Once you are an official HERA Member, you will be able to access the Members Area and App - including Collab social forum, Groups, Events, Profile, Members, Rewards, and more!
Please Note:
If you only Sign Up and do not purchase the Hera Pro Plan, you will not have completed the process and will therefore not see the Members Area or App- so please make sure to complete all 3 Steps!
As a private club, we are excited to welcome new members from all backgrounds! Please remember we reserve the right to approve or deny applicants.
We wish you luck!
If you have any difficulty at all or have any questions, please email
Thank you!
- Hera Team
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